MSC.Software Delivers Multidisciplinary Patran for CAE

MD Patran lets you build and reuse models.

MD Patran lets you build and reuse models.

By DE Editors

MD Patran, says MSC.Software Corp. (Santa Ana, CA), is a naturalcompanion to its MD Nastran and, when the two are combined, “allowscompanies to unleash the power of their MD Nastran finite elementmodels, delivering complex products with increased certainty in theresults.”

An enterprise-level solution, MD (multidisciplinary) Patran builds aseamless simulation environment that links design, analysis, andresults evaluation. It offers seamless integration of CAD geometry,pre- and post-processing capabilities, and the ability to performsophisticated simulation on virtual parts, assemblies, and structures.With it, engineers can create, use, and reuse FE (finite element)models involved in heavily engineered products.

MD Patran employs a GUI-based interface. Its MCAD access tools workdirectly on your MCAD models, enabling MD Patran to import modelgeometry without modifications or translations. You can then use Patranto define loads, boundary conditions, and material properties as wellas perform different simulations under different conditions.

As a post-processor, Patran displays analysis results in structural,thermal, fatigue, fluid, magnetic terms, or in relation to any otherapplication where the resulting values are associated with theirrespective finite elements or nodes.

For more information on MD Patran, click here to go to the MSC.Software website.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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