Latest News
October 3, 2012
By DE Editors
MicroStrain has expanded its LXRS “lossless” wireless sensor network family. New LXRS sensing solutions include TC-Link wireless thermocouple nodes as well as SG-Link-OEM wireless analog sensor nodes.
LXRS enables MicroStrain wireless sensors to provide 100% packet success rate under most operating conditions while maintaining extended range radio link to 2 kilometers, supporting continuous, burst, and hybrid sampling modes, and maintaining time synchronization within +/- 32 microseconds, the company says.
In addition to more reliable data throughput, MicroStrain’s wireless thermocouple and OEM nodes provide interoperability with other LXRS wireless acceleration (G-Link), displacement (DVRT-Link), environmental monitoring (ENV-Link), and multi-channel analog (V-Link and SG-Link) sensor nodes.
For more information, visit MicroStrain.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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