Metris Launches Inspect-X 1.6 Software

Promises to double CT reconstruction speed.

Promises to double CT reconstruction speed.

By DE Editors

Metris’ Inspect-X 1.6 software boosts throughput by increased Computed Tomography (CT) reconstruction speed and improved general system control. Inspect-X 1.6 further enhances system usability and introduces a faster CT reconstruction engine and support of the latest Perkin Elmer panels.

A new reconstruction engine increases sample throughput. Programmed to run on the system’s graphical processing unit,  the new engine doubles reconstruction speed on existing hardware, according to the company. In combination with the latest hardware on new systems, the reconstruction of a 1,024 pixel cubed volume using 1800 images is completed in only 38 seconds, whereas reconstruction previously lasted 2 minutes. A 2,048 pixel cubed volume using 3,600 images is reconstructed in 18 minutes, according to Metris.

  The Inspect-X 1.6software also supports the new Perkin Elmer 1621 EHS in addition to the 1621 and 1620 models it already supported.

The usability of the system has also been improved: the sample load position is now user programmable so it can be re-used for repeated operations and the auto defocus function allows for higher-power operation without risking target damage. Also, the CT wizard has been improved to guide the user through the measurement process including up-front data quality verification.

For more information, visit Metris.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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