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Mentor Graphics Announces FloEFD with Radiation Modeling

New CFD product release also includes multicore meshing.

New CFD product release also includes multicore meshing.

By DE Editors

Mentor Graphics  announced the latest release of its FloEFD concurrent computation fluid dynamics (CFD) product. The new release incorporates Monte-Carlo radiation modeling for thermo-optical performance, and advanced multicore meshing of complex geometries, which allows faster simulation.

Monte-Carlo radiation modeling can be used for precise analysis of geometric effects in optics, such as the refraction and reflection of radiation absorptive media; for example, lens focusing. The FloEFD product provides a unique boundary layer treatment and, when combined with meshing capable of capturing highly complex geometries automatically, it enables engineers to accurately predict complex thermo-optic behavior, the company says.

The multicore architecture meshing feature provides reduced meshing time, which the company claims is up to 20 times faster. The increase in speed allows the user to test various design approaches in a matter of minutes, compared to hours, the company says.

The new release also supports fluid-structure interaction through a mesh-based parallel code coupling interface (MpCCI) bridge developed at the Fraunhofer Institute SCAI. The new functionality enables engineers to export CFD analysis data for finite element analysis (FEA) in a wide range of popular structural simulation programs, thereby enabling users to conduct multi-disciplinary analyses.

“Our latest version of FloEFD for concurrent CFD addresses the complexities of today’s thermo-optic applications with greater ease of adoption and accuracy,” said Erich Buergel, vice president of Mentor Graphics Focus Products Organization. “As an industry leader with a proven history in CFD technology excellence, we are continually investing in our FloEFD product line to deliver the best-in-class solutions that address our customers’ business challenges.”

For more information, visit Mentor Graphics.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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