Mathematica Embraces Personal Supercomputing

Tackle larger problems and investigate parallel approaches at your desktop and at your convenience.

Tackle larger problems and investigate parallel approaches at your desktop and at your convenience.

By DE Editors

Wolfram Research, Inc. (Champaign, IL) says that personal supercomputing isnow a reality when you couple the company’s Mathematica Personal GridEdition and new cost-effective quad-core computers. MathematicaPersonal Grid Edition eliminates the barriers to using parallelism aspart of your daily workflow:  no administrative overhead and nocontending for shared resources. With Mathematica Personal Grid Editionyou can take on larger problems and investigate parallel approaches atany stage of the problem-solving process from your desktop.

The Mathematica 5 series (5.0, 5.1, 5.2) provided numerous performanceand scalability enhancements for demanding technical computingapplications. These versions also incorporate new functionality forconnectivity—including built-in universal database link, web services,and numerous file format converters—as well as newnumerical and symbolic algorithms. gridMathematica extends this high-level framework to enterprise parallel computing.

Mathematica Personal Grid Edition combines the computationalcapabilities of Mathematica with high-level parallel languageextensions to create an computing framework for quad-core machines.Mathematica’s high-level language and state-of-the-art numeric andsymbolic solvers, says Wolfram, make it ideal for doing exploratorytechnical computing in a wide range of fields, resulting in increasedproductivity and letting you push the limits further than ever before.

Mathematica Personal Grid Edition is the only solution to bringhigh-performance supercomputing to the individual desk, according toWolfram Research. It offers performance improvements of up to 300% overstandard Mathematica with only minimal code modifications. Formore-intensive parallel applications, programs can run unchanged ongrids or clusters of any size using gridMathematica. This also makesMathematica Personal Grid Edition a prototyping environment forlarge-scale parallelism.

Mathematica Personal Grid Edition is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Unix, for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

More details are available on the Mathematica Personal Grid Edition web page, available by clicking here.

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