Make Time with 3D Printing

Top 5 ways desktop 3D printers speed the engineering design cycle, resulting in a rapid return on investment.
THE LATEST GENERATION: Includes the MakerBot® Replicator® Desktop 3D Printer and the MakerBot Replicator Z18 3D Printer. (left-right). The latest generation of 3D printers includes the MakerBot® Replicator® Desktop 3D Printer and the MakerBot Replicator Z18 3D Printer. (left-right).


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Reduce prototyping time and expenses. Instead of outsourcing every prototype, a desktop 3D printer can democratize design by allowing more engineers to test proof of concept, especially in the early stages of development.


Create better designs. The ability for design engineers to 3D print at their desks allows them to try new ideas and make mistakes. Without real-time prototyping, the most innovative design may never be discovered.


Speed approvals. Hand a client or upper-level management a physical model to transform the design cycle. 3D printing speeds the design process by ending arguments and avoiding long meetings, leaving more time to focus on the best ideas.




Ease of use increases productivity. Using the latest generation of MakerBot® Replicator® Desktop 3D Printers allows design engineers to choose settings that range from fast drafts to finer resolutions that don’t need postproduction. The printers’ large build volume, on-board camera and diagnostics, and assisted build plate leveling accelerate prototyping. The printers’ Wi-Fi, USB and Ethernet connectivity ensures a seamless production workflow that can be remotely monitored.


Competitive advantage. Be faster out of the gate with a design that has been prototyped and improved multiple times by incorporating desktop 3D printing into your design engineering workflow.




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