Los Alamos Lab Announces the Availability of EnergyFit

Software-based technology for automated energy reduction of high-performance computing systems.

Software-based technology for automated energy reduction of high-performance computing systems.

By DE Editors

Los Alamos National Laboratory(Los Alamos, NM) has announced the availability of EnergyFit 1.0, atransparent software layer based on an algorithm that reduces the powerand energy consumption of high-performance computing systems. EnergyFitminimizes the energy produced by individual CPUs in a cluster or serverfarm and can reduce the overall energy consumption in a datacenter. Ona high-end system, EnergyFit delivers typical system energy savings of10 percent to 25 percent with a minimal performance reduction of lessthan 5 percent.

Energy consumption is the largest recurring cost in a typicaldatacenter budget. EnergyFit makes use of a new algorithm that has beenproven to yield maximum energy savings while delivering computationalresults by a deadline. Inventors Chung-Hsing Hsu and Wu-chun Feng note,“In addition to providing direct energy savings, we expect EnergyFit todeliver enhanced reliability by reducing system operating temperaturesand thus the rate of system failures.”

Intended applications for EnergyFit include high-performance computing,financial data centers, ISP providers, search farms, and scientificcomputing. EnergyFit is available for commercial and governmentlicensing, as well as OEM and ISV licensing. EnergyFit 1.0 iscompatible with the Linux operating system with the support of AMDPowerNow technology. The methodology, however, can be applied to anysystem that supports dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, e.g., IntelEnhanced SpeedStep.

For more information, visit lanl.gov.

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