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LORD Corporation Selects Aras for PLM System

The company plans to have more than 1,000 users on the Innovator-based system.

LORD Corporation, a provider of adhesives, coating, sensing and motion technologies, has selected Aras Innovator to standardize product development and support emerging business. When fully implemented, LORD anticipates more than 1,000 users will access Document Management, Configuration Management, Engineering Change Management, as well as Quality Systems (CAPA) applications as part of the Aras PLM (product lifecycle management) platform, the company states.

The reasoning behind this selection, according to Aras, is related to the software’s scalability, model-based architecture and integration with multiple SAPs and PDM programs.

“A flexible PLM platform is an important competitive advantage for LORD. With the company’s growth, their PLM solution must easily accommodate changing business needs with ‘yet-to-be-determined’ requirements dictated by acquisitions,” says Peter Schroer, Aras founder and CEO. “Unlike traditional systems that impose a one-size-fits-all ‘best practices,’ the Aras PLM platform ensures LORD can support the needs of the enterprise as it continues to grow and drive innovation.”

For more information, visit Aras.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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