Longview Advisors Announces 2012 Collaboration & Interoperability Survey

Survey looks at trends in collaboration, 3D formats, and more.

Survey looks at trends in collaboration, 3D formats, and more.

By DE Editors

Longview Advisors announced the 2012 Collaboration & Interoperability Survey. The annual survey looks at trends and best practices in areas like collaboration, data exchange, preferred 3D formats, downstream data deployment, software requirements, data re-use and much more. Readers are encouraged to take the 10-minute survey at www.longviewadvisors.com. Prizes will be awarded for every 20th completed survey.

The survey results will be published in Longview Advisors free, annual Collaboration & Interoperability Market Report, which provides a collection of invited papers examining the latest strategies, trends and technologies in collaboration and interoperability.

For more information, visit Longview Advisors.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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