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LIVE Roundtable: Breathing Life into Digital Twins

DE LIVE chat on digital twins, set for March 14

Time-stamped temperatures collected in the field, user heart rates accumulated in health-monitoring devices, acceleration data captured by smart vehicles—there’s a wealth of wisdom in sensor-captured data, but it’s also a double-edged sword.

They’re essential to the upkeep of digital twins that provide predictive analysis, which improves business profitability and customer experience. On the other hand, the deluge of streaming data, coming in by the second, could overwhelm and incapacitate the overseers.

In a LIVE Roundtable, DE editor Kenneth Wong moderates a panel of experts to discuss:

  • Determining the right data, frequency, and amount to collect to prevent information overload;
  • Linking sensor data to CAD models to create digital twins;
  • Conducting system simulation with sensor data.

DATE: Tuesday, March 14, 2017

TIME: 2:00 pm ET/ 11:00 am PT

TO REGISTER, GO TO: /de/sensordata

DE LIVE chat on digital twins, set for March 14, 2PM EST / 11AM Pacific


 Panelists for DE roundtable on digital twins: (Left to right) Jerry Overton, CSC; Chad Jackson, Lifecycle Insights; Thomas Leurent, Akselos Panelists for DE roundtable on digital twins: (Left to right) Jerry Overton, CSC; Chad Jackson, Lifecycle Insights; Thomas Leurent, Akselos

Jerry Overton, CSC

Jerry Overton is a data scientist, distinguished engineer, and head of Advanced Analytics Research at CSC. He is the chief data scientist for the strategic alliance between CSC and Microsoft known as Industrial Machine Learning— 96 enterprise-scale applications across six different industries: banking and capital markets, energy and technology, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, and retail. Jerry is also the author of the O’Reilly Media eBook Going Pro in Data Science: What It Takes to Succeed as a Professional Data Scientist.

Chad Jackson, Lifecycle Insights

Analyst, researcher, and blogger Chad Jackson provides insights on technologies and used to design products. He has presented talks and webinars both domestically and internationally. He has surveyed thousands of engineering organizations as part of his research studies. As a commonsense co-host of numerous web shows, he has debated and pushed the limits on critical issues in engineering and data management.

Thomas Leurent, Akselos

Thoas Leurent is the CEO of Akselos S.A., making true digital twins a reality for critical assets in heavy industry. Actively involved in the global innovation ecosystem, and investing repeatedly in deep-tech startups, he cofounded Akselos with a vision to help leverage the growing IoT and Big-Data investment being made by its customers. Thomas has a background working for the U.S. Department of Energy and later holding senior positions in Risk Management for financial assets. His unique combination of entrepreneurship and pragmatism coupled with an energetic, organized, and analytical approach, his drive and enthusiasm drive those around him to attain extremely ambitious goals.

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Kenneth Wong

Kenneth Wong is Digital Engineering’s resident blogger and senior editor. Email him at [email protected] or share your thoughts on this article at

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