Laser Design Partners with 3D Leasing Corp.

Financing of Surveyor 3D laser scanning systems now available.

Financing of Surveyor 3D laser scanning systems now available.

By DE Editors

Laser Design Inc. (Minneapolis, MN) and 3D LeasingCorp. have partnered inorder to finance customer purchases of Laser Design’s Surveyor 3D laser scanningsystems. The choice to go with 3D Leasing Corp. was made because the leasingfirm has extensive experience in financing 3D measurement and manufacturingequipment.

Lease financing is an attractive option for companies seekingcapital equipment purchases because leasing improves cash flow and workingcapital. Companies can use their capital for other expenditures, and paymentsare fixed with no downpayment.

For more information, contact Laser Design, Inc.

Sources: Press materials received from the company andadditional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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