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February 15, 2010
By DE Editors
Laird Technologies, Inc. has released of its revised Thermoelectric Handbook. It is written to provide insight into understanding the basic structure and function of thermoelectric modules (TEMs), parameters required for device selection, assembly tips for mounting TEMs onto heat exchangers, and available temperature control options.
“The Thermoelectric Handbook is a valuable tool that every thermal engineer should reference when specifying a thermoelectric solution in their application,” says Andrew Dereka, Laird Technologies’ thermoelectrics product manager. “This is a comprehensive tutorial that educates readers on the proper design and installation of thermoelectric modules to avoid the common errors engineers make that can result in a reduced product life or performance limitation of end user’s application unnecessarily.”Designed for engineers with novice to intermediate thermoelectric experience, the handbook examines Laird Technologies’ TEM product portfolio and discusses TEM construction, function, operation limitations, correct mounting procedures, and hardware selection, protection options against condensation, heat transfer formulae, and temperature controller selection.
Available only online, the handbook is accessible for downloading, viewing, and printing from the Thermoelectric Modules (TEMs) section of the Laird Technologies website.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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