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Kubotek KeyCreator Analysis Provides Fast CAD Simulation Software

Sefea technology and optimized auto-meshing simplify setup and reduce processing time.

Sefea technology and optimized auto-meshing simplify setup and reduce processing time.

By DE Editors

Kubotek has released its new multiphysics simulation product, KeyCreator Analysis. The software is powered by Sefea, a new technology with unique algorithms that make analysis easier to prepare. KeyCreator Analysis is combined with Kubotek KeyCreator direct modeling software, enabling ease of model preparation and editing.

KeyCreator Analysis uses technology to determine the optimum mesh size and density of a simulation calculation. According to the company, this auto-meshing can help the majority of simulations that a designer would typically calculate in order to optimize their initial design.

Sefea technology speeds analysis time via internal processing of analysis equations and the use of a less-dense mesh and lower memory requirements. This smart FEA technology combined with simple tree-driven menus embedded into KeyCreator now makes it possible for designers with basic knowledge of FEA to get complete and accurate results. 

The solution was created through Kubotek’s partnership with AMPS Technology.

For more information, visit Kubotek.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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