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Keynote Speakers for ASME Turbo Expo Announced

Executives in gas turbine and energy business will keynote at June conference.

Executives in gas turbine and energy business will keynote at June conference.

By DE Editors

Three senior executives in the gas turbine and energy business will be the keynote speakers at ASME Turbo Expo 2011 June 6-10 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Walter DiBartolomeo, vice president of engineering at Pratt & Whitney Canada; Roland Fischer, chief executive officer, Business Unit Products, Fossil Power Generation, Siemens Energy, and Gary Mercer, senior executive of engineering at GE Energy, will speak on June 6 at the Vancouver Exhibition and Conference Centre. The speakers will address “Clean and Efficient Turbomachinery Technologies for Future Low Carbon Economies,” a theme reflecting the global mandate for emissions reduction in gas turbine systems.

Walter DiBartolomeo joined Pratt & Whitney Canada in 1985, serving initially as an aerodynamicist.  His background encompasses aerodynamics, project engineering, nacelle design, and mechanical systems integration. Roland Fischer is responsible for the development, manufacturing and sales functions of fossil power generation equipment at Siemens Energy,  Erlangen, Germany.  He joined Siemens in 2008, working previously at the global aerospace company MTU. Gary Mercer joined GE in 1985 and has served in several key roles within the company, including power generation programs manager for the GE Oil & Gas operation in Italy. In his current role at the Greenville, SC facility, Mercer provides engineering leadership to support the GE renewable energy business.

In addition to the keynote event, ASME Turbo Expo 2011 will include a five-day technical program including presentations on wind turbines,  solar energy, and other alternative energy technologies. Other topics include engine design, operations and maintenance, diagnostics, and materials.

An exposition will showcase the products and services of engine manufacturers, software developers, research laboratories, and other firms in the worldwide power industry.  Additional events at the conference will include continuing education workshops, a networking dinner for women, a mixer for young engineers, and facility tours.

For more information, visit the ASME Turbo Expo 2011 site.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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