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January 2006

By DE Editors

Editor’s Pick of the Week—January, 25, 2006Adobe Greatly Simplifies CollaborationAcrobat 3D allows non-CAD users to leverage 3D design information embedded in PDFs.Acrobat 3D is a new program from Adobe(San Jose, CA) that gives design engineers the ability to publish andshare 3D design information from their native CAD applications withanyone who uses the free Adobe Reader 7. Any 3D designs can beconverted to Adobe PDF files and then opened and used by non-CAD users.These same design team members, whether suppliers, clients, or others,can then review and add comments directly to interactive 3D objectsembedded in the PDF.<<WithAcrobat3D engineers can embed interactive 3D data in PDFs that can bedeconstructed, viewed, captured, and published by non-CAD users whohave the free Adobe Reader 7. The new program means these team members will be able to immersethemselves in the design process without the need for CAD software, asmany of them already have the free reader and don’t have any real needto run a CAD program on their desktops.3D CAD content can be published as PDF files by dragging the contentinto Acrobat, by choosing a conversion option from a pull-down menu, orby using a capture utility included with Acrobat 3D. The 3D files canbe combined with virtually any other type of file to createcomprehensive project documents. When the ability is enabled by the Acrobat user, Reader users can addcomments directly to 3D objects, and users can define multiplecross-sections of objects for various reasons. The creator of thedocument can add interactive illustrations, create exploded views, addmultiple levels of security, and more. The reader of the document canclick through these views and obtain information like detailedspecifications, capacities, design limits, and the like, even view ananimation.Interactive documents created using Acrobat 3D are seen as clearlyextending the collaborative ability for multiple team members as thereare at least half a billion copies of the Adobe Reader currently inuse, says Adobe. The 3D and interactive capability of PDFs created byAcrobat 3D is useable by anyone with the free Reader beginning withversion 6.The new software works on Windows 2000, XP Pro, and UNIX systems. For more information, and to download a sample PDF, visit

Editor’s Pick of the Week—January, 18, 2006DIAdem 10.0 Manages Test DataBuilt-in data-mining tool lets you search across data files without requiring advanced degree in database queries.National Instruments(NI;Austin, TX) has released DIAdem 10.0, the latest version of itsinteractive tool for mathematical and visual test data inspection,analysis, and report generation. Key to v10.0 is the DIAdem DataFinder,a data-miming tool that enables engineers and scientists to performInternet-like searches across data files, regardless of format, at afraction of the cost and without the maintenance challenges oftraditional IT-supported data management solutions, according to thecompany. <<WithDIAdem you can automate repetitive analysis and reporting tasks, andit’s capable of working with files that contain more than 100 billiondata values. The DIAdem DataFinder uses the NI technical data management (TDM) datamodel as its internal data structure. TDM files, written natively usingNI LabVIEW data storage VIs (virtual instruments) or NI LabWindows/CVIstorage functions, provide three levels of hierarchy to structure testdata—file, group, and channel—a set of attributes that increases therange of possible search conditions. Although optimized to work withTDM files, the DIAdem DataFinder can search across all data files, suchas Excel, Minitab,  MSC ADAMS, and Pspice, for which there is anassociated DIAdem DataPlugin.Engineers can perform simple searches or advanced searches based on keydescriptive information. For example, you can use the DIAdem DataFinderto search for all tests with a specific serial number, status, and testtype. After narrowing the data set, you then can use DIAdem to performfurther analysis and reporting.DIAdem DataFinder also gives engineers and managers the ability toestablish and uncover anomalies or trends in their data. With DIAdemyou can automate repetitive analysis and reporting tasks usingVBScript, and DIAdem is capable of working with data files that containmore than 100 billion data values.Click here to sign up for an evaluation copy of DIAdem 10.0. For complete details on DIAdem 10.0, click here to visit the DIAdem information page on the National Instruments website. 

Editor’s Pick of the Week—January, 11, 2006FEMPRO to compete with FEMAPALGOR launches alternative for users of NASTRAN-compatible and FEA apps.For more than 20 years, ALGOR, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) has developed,enhanced, and expanded its FEMPRO finite element modeling andpostprocessing tool. All this time, however, FEMPRO served as aprincipal component of the company’s finite element modeling andanalysis software system, ALGOR. Now, the company announces, FEMPRO isavailable as a stand-alone pre- and postprocessing FEMAP alternativefor users of NASTRAN-compatible and other FEA (finite element analysis)software.

‹‹ FEMPRO provides automatic mesh matching between parts of an assembly. Image courtesy of ALGOR, Inc. 
ALGOR describes FEMPRO as an easy-to-use and complete system with fullfinite element modeling, results evaluation, and presentationcapabilities. Its hex-dominant hybrid meshing provides automatic meshgeneration from CAD models. This approach produces finite elementmodels that are populated primarily of hexahedral—brick—elementson the surface. What this means is that FEMPRO places the most accurateelements on the surface of the model where results are the highest.FEMPRO then uses tetrahedral elements for a model’s interior model.This hybrid meshing combination, says ALGOR, provide the maximum ofaccuracy and solving speed.FEMPRO provides an extensive array of user interfacing for analyses.These include static stress and Mechanical Event Simulation (MES) withlinear and nonlinear material models, linear dynamics, fatigue,steady-state and transient heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics,electrostatics, and full multiphysics.
›› An example of how FEMPRO enables point-and-click definition of areas wherea finer mesh is desired. Image courtesy of ALGOR, Inc. 
FEMPRO also has complete support for such solid modeling systems as NXand Solid Edge from UGS Corp., CATIA and SolidWorks from DassaultSystemes, Pro/ENGINEER from PTC, and Autodesk Inventor and MechanicalDesktop. Additional CAD systems supported include Alibre Design,IronCAD, KeyCreator, and Rhinoceros. For most systems, FEMPRO providesdirect CAD/CAE data exchange and full associativity with each designchange.ALGOR began adding full NASTRAN compatibility to its software linethree years ago. This project enabled FEMPRO to create models forNASTRAN processors and to read in the results from NASTRAN analyses andgraphically display result contours including displacements, stresses,mode shapes resulting from vibration, temperature profiles, and otherengineering parameters. FEMPRO as an alternative to FEMAP is availableimmediately.
‹‹ FEMPRO offers users automatic, unstructured FEA meshing for parts andassemblies with a built-in aspect ratio check, using bricks, tetrahedraor a hybrid of bricks on the model surface. Imagecourtesy of ALGOR, Inc. 
Click here to go to the FEMPRO page on ALGOR website.Check out the tutorial link on the right-hand side for presentations onkey areas of FEMPRO’s functionality. Click here to check out a longerwebcast on using FEMPRO, produced prior to the release of this versionof the application.

Editor’s Pick of the Week—January, 4, 2006
Thermal Analyzer Works At Front of Process FLO/PCB for Allegro PCB Editor enables thermal analyses early in design process.Flomerics (Marlborough, MA) has introduced Version 3.0 of its FLO/PCBthermal design for the Allegro PCB Editor from Cadence (San Jose, CA).With FLO/PCB for Allegro running as a menu item in Allegro, designerscan obtain thermal analyses of their design quickly and at the earlieststages of their design process. Because FLO/PCB for Allegro worksduring the architectural phase of a project, you can identify thermalproblems early, when corrections are easier, quicker, and lessexpensive to make. Additionally, the FLO/PCB for Allegro PCB Editorlink is said to enable you to analyze and optimize a thermal model ofyour board in a matter of minutes.FLO/PCB for Allegro 3.0 works as a menu item in Allegro, from where youcan generate a thermal model of a design using just a few mouse clicks.The FLO/PCB for Allegro interface handles the transfer of informationabout the PCB’s geometry and components that you need to performthermal analysis, including the number of metallic layers, the type ofeach layer such as signal or power or ground plane, the coverage ofcopper on the board, and the location and power dissipation of eachcomponent. The interface also lets you select the appropriate layerused to derive the physical extents of the package. Further, placementupdates made in FLO/PCB can be passed back to Allegro PCB Editor,meaning that the bidirectional connectivity between the applicationsallows for concurrent placement and thermal design.
FLO/PCB for Allegro from Flomerics enables you to predict thermal compliance at a touch of a button. Click image to enlarge. 
 FLO/PCB for Allegro also exchanges information with Flotherm andFlo/EMC, other members of the Flomerics integrated analysisenvironment. What this means to you is that, for example, you canincorporate the same PCB design you used to create a FLO/PCB model intoa system-level model in Flotherm. This ability to address thermalmanagement and EMC issues within a single environment gives you a headstart on the design tradeoffs frequently required between the twodisciplines. The Cadence/Flomerics software interface is a fruit from the CadenceConnections Program for collaboration. Cadence Connections seeks topromote interoperability in all areas of electronic design chain. Morethan 130 Connections program member companies develop integratedsoftware solutions that extend and add value to Cadence’s design andverification technology. Information about the program may be found byclicking here.FLO/PCB thermal design software promotes a conceptual design processthat integrates electrical and mechanical design for PCBs. It combinesfunctional, component placement, and thermal views of the design into asingle virtual model, enabling systems, hardware, mechanical, andthermal engineers to design collaboratively and resolve designconflicts quickly and effectively. For complete details, click here. You can also check out a number of brief FLO/PCB demos on such topics asdefining a board architecture, the placement of components, and solvingmodeling accuracy if you click here. To register for a free trialdownload of FLO/PCB, click here.To learn more about Flomerics’s complete line of analysis and simulation software, click here.   

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