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Ingalls Shipbuilding Selects Aras

The company anticipates 3,000 users within its organization.

Ingalls Shipbuilding, a division of Huntingon Ingalls Industries, has selected Aras Innovator to support its engineering processes.

According to a company press release, Ingalls Shipbuilding selected Aras to streamline and standardize processes on a single platform and remove the bottlenecks that occur because of numerous stand-alone systems and databases. Aras will be used to better manage models, drawings, parts, technical specifications, structural planning and planning data. The company anticipates more than 3,000 members of its engineering and product development team will use Aras over time.

“Designing and building the warships of the future requires solving tough technological challenges today with engineering business processes that provide greater collaboration,” said Peter Schroer, CEO of Aras. “Aras is proud to support the business of engineering at Huntington Ingalls Industries as they continue to deliver advancements in their portfolio.”

For more information, visit Aras.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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