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Infor Optiva 11 Available

PLM solution provides social functionality via Infor Ming.le.

PLM solution provides social functionality via Infor Ming.le.

Infor announced Infor Optiva 11, an update of its product lifecycle management (PLM) product. Functional improvements include improved project management, an enhanced user experience, collaborative social functionality through Infor Ming.le, and an upgrade to .Net 4.0, and validation for Windows SQL 2012 servers.

Workflow rescheduling allows users to adjust due date and duration on the fly with simplified drag and drop capability. The Stage Gate form includes Gantt chart project visualization and allows users to suspend, cancel or recalculate workflow scheduling.

Added workspace enhancements provide users with in-context business intelligence and a content assistant to simplify functional applications. The solution now delivers the ability to specify languages from form labels, navigation, lookup, error messages and enumeration labels.

For more information, visit Infor.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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