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Infolytica Releases MotorSolve v3

MotorSolve Thermal FEA analysis module enhances the accuracy of electromagnetic result computations.

MotorSolve Thermal FEA analysis module enhances the accuracy of electromagnetic result computations.

By DE Editors

Infolytica’s MotorSolve v3 is now available. The new MotorSolve Thermal module is included with this latest version,  giving motor designers a new software tool that they can use to evaluate the impact of temperature and different cooling methods on the performance of brushless, PMAC and induction machines.
MotorSolve Thermal is a 3D automated-FEA analysis module that enhances the accuracy of MotorSolve’s existing electromagnetic result computations by accounting for heating and cooling on performance, as well as offering new temperature related outputs. It accounts for conduction, radiation and natural/forced convection heating or cooling.
The MotorSolve user interface has been updated to include a full 3D view of the housing and the machine, giving a real-time view of the design. The use of descriptive names and annotations on the model remove any guesswork as to the nature and impact of each parameter.
This latest release eliminates the need to create two separate machine models for thermal and electromagnetic analysis. Within just one design environment, you can perform both types of analysis.

For more information, visit Infolytica.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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