HP Goes Quad, 2 in a Series

HP Unveils Intel Quad-Core workstations.

HP Unveils Intel Quad-Core workstations.

By DE Editors

HP (Palo Alto, CA) has unveiled its first workstations based on Quad-Core Xeon 5300 series processors and Core 2 Extreme QX6700 quad-core processors from Intel. HP began shipments Tuesday.

Multi-core workstations offer the performance capacity required for multi-tasking and multi-threaded, compute-intensive application such as visualization and analysis common in CAE, oil and gas, and DCC environments. DE  is awaiting arrival of an Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5300 processor-based HP xw8400 workstation for evaluation and will report our findings on our Engineering IT & Computing page soon as practicable.


The HP xw8400.

HP workstations featuring the new Quad-Core Intel Xeon 5300 processor series will an estimated starting price of $2,349, although fully configured are expected to cost substantially more. For further details,  click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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