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Hitachi Selects Aras to Standardize Design, Development Processes

Aras will standardize processes in engineering data management and workflow management across the company’s main manufacturing plants in Japan, Thailand and China

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. has selected Aras Innovator to standardize management of drawings, data, design and development processes of the company’s wide portfolio of products. After implementation with Aras Certified Partner Hitachi Systems, Aras will standardize processes in engineering data management and workflow management across the company’s main manufacturing plants in Japan, Thailand and China.

Of interest to Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems was Aras Innovator’s ability to be deployed across multiple languages and locations, according to the company. Aras says it will help Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems improve build-to-order production processes, streamline change order operations and standardize product development management.

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems chose Aras based on the following criteria:

  • Strong capability to connect and manage multiple sources of information with a single platform.
  • Functionality to easily create and maintain structured, bill of materials (BOMs) for each stage of the product lifecycle.
  • Enhanced ability to synchronize EBOMs and MBOMs for clear visibility into cross-disciplinary change states through design, manufacture and service.
“Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems has the same challenge that many global companies face  in maintaining data consistency across multiple locations due to increasing product complexity of a broad product portfolio,” notes Peter Schroer, founder and CEO of Aras. “Now, the company is in a better position to standardize and coordinate these complex processes with more effective integration of data structures and workflows that support part and BOM release and change processes.”

For more information visit Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems and Aras.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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