HighRES Inc. Changes Name to ReverseEngineering.com

Plus, company announces new branding effort.

Plus, company announces new branding effort.

By ReverseEngineering.com

CAD software innovator HighRES, Inc. has a new name: ReverseEngineering.com. “The new name more accurately captures the breadth of our company’s mission,” said Braxton Carter, president of ReverseEngineering.com. “We’re evolving and growing and have the tools to accelerate critical aspects of the reverse engineering process.”

ReverseEngineering.com develops plug-and-play bridging solutions for CAD. By using ReverseEngineering.com software, engineers can digitize, reverse engineer, measure, and inspect direct CAD without ever leaving their preferred CAD environment.

In addition to a new name, ReverseEngineering.com has introduced a new logo and corporate tagline. “From a branding perspective,  changing names can be tricky,” said Christiann Moore, a senior executive at ReverseEngineering.com. “To help maintain some continuity between the companies, we decided to maintain the HighRES corporate colors.” The new ReverseEngineering.com logo references the raptor in the old logo, but now it features a 3D claw breaking out of a cube. “We’re known as a fiercely aggressive,  fiercely innovative software company,” said Moore. “We wanted to make sure our logo accurately reflected our brand image.”

The new ReverseEngineering.com tagline is “Go Native.”  According to Moore, the tagline was developed to clearly and quickly communicate a major user benefit of the company’s products –– that the plug-and-play bridging solutions from ReverseEngineering.com empower engineers to integrate data directly into their CAD/CAM of choice. In short, to work natively.

(formerly HighRES Inc.)
PO Box 2746   La Jolla, CA 92038
P: 858-488-5231, F: 858-459-5241

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