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Granta Design Releases Materials Gateway for HyperMesh

The database provides a direct link for materials information during analysis.

Granta Design has released GRANTA MI:Materials Gateway for HyperMesh, providing users with traceable access to materials data and applications within the Altair application.

The gateway appears as an embedded application with HyperMesh, placing materials information into the hands of simulation engineers. This information, according to the company, complements the flexibility of HyperMesh by supporting multiple CAE solvers.

GRANTA MI includes a database of thousands metals, plastics, ceramics, composites and natural materials. The platform ensures the right materials data when it is needed. Authorized users can access and retrieve additional information for chosen materials via the live link to the master database. Versioning of materials is tracked directly in HyperMesh if properties used in finite element analysis (FEA) are updated.

“We believe that MI:Materials Gateway revolutionizes the accessibility and quality of the materials property data used in design and engineering software,” said Arthur Fairfull, product director for Materials Strategy and PLM (product lifecycle management) Integration at Granta Design. “Working with our partners Altair, we have developed a practical, easy-to-use interface for accessing materials properties and models from GRANTA MI directly within HyperMesh, providing easy and consistent access to approved materials models. This saves time for individual CAE engineers, and also integrates them into their company’s overall strategy for materials information management.”

For more information, visit Granta Design.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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