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Granta Design Announces GRANTA MI:Workflow

The module has tools for materials process management.

Granta Design has launched GRANTA MI:Workflow, a tool to help manage material processes in addition to material data.

According to Granta Design, MI:Workflow enables users to implement to-do lists, email notifications, approval sequences, moderation queues, and other actions restricted to specified users. It offers a clear user experience for those who consume or contribute to a materials database—they only perform actions relevant to them.

“MI:Workflow is one of the most significant enhancements to the GRANTA MI platform we’ve ever made,” said Dan Williams, product manager for GRANTA MI.“By adding this important capability to GRANTA MI, we’re allowing our customers complete control over how they handle the collection and use of materials knowledge in their organizations – and removing perhaps the last remaining barrier to the digitalization of materials across all aspects of a business.”

For more information, visit Granta Design.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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