GPI Expands Offerings with EOSINT M 270 Direct Metal Laser-sintering System from EOS

Direct metal laser-sintering system broadens in-house capabilities.

Direct metal laser-sintering system broadens in-house capabilities.

By DE Editors

EOS GmbH Electro Optical Systems has announced that Galloway Plastics Inc. (GPI) is using an EOSINT M 270 direct metal laser-sintering (DMLS) system as part of a larger business strategy to support the expansion of GPI Prototype and GPI Anatomicals.

For the GPI Prototype service bureau, the equipment will broaden its in-house offerings. GPI Anatomicals, a manufacturer of anatomical/medical device models, will use it to expand its core orthopaedic device capabilities.

“We see DMLS as a huge step toward eliminating the gap between prototyping and production,” says Scott Galloway, president and owner of GPI. “Also, with it we can create parts that would not be possible to manufacture using traditional methods.”

DMLS on the EOSINT M 270 is an additive manufacturing process. It starts with a CAD file that defines each layer of a cross-sectioned model. 20 to 40 µm thin layers of metal powder are deposited onto a build platform and laser-sintered by a focused laser beam. The platform is then lowered and the process is repeated layer-by-layer until a three-dimensional metal part is produced. DMLS can “grow” parts—even those with extremely complex geometries—in just a few hours.

For more information, visit Galloway Plastics Inc. and EOS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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