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Gannon University Receives $373 Million In-Kind Software Grant from Siemens

Gannon University has received an in-kind product lifecycle management software grant with an estimated commercial value of $373 million from Siemens.

Gannon University has received an in-kind product lifecycle management software grant with an estimated commercial value of $373 million from Siemens PLM Software. The grant will make it possible for Gannon engineering students to use the same technology in its classrooms that companies currently use around the world.

This in-kind software grant is intended to help prepare a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) workforce for the advanced manufacturing industry. Gannon is also exploring how it can leverage the software grant to develop a retraining program that could provide employed and unemployed workers with the skills they need to succeed in the digital factory of the future.

At Gannon University, Siemens' PLM software will be an integral component of the industrial engineering program and other engineering programs. Students will implement course and capstone projects using the software suite. Additionally, the software will enable the students to create digital twins (simulated versions) of their final products as a more efficient alternative to creating a physical prototype.

Students are expected to use Siemens’ PLM software annually for coursework and projects in Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Robotics, Industrial Design, Work Design, Ergonomics, Material Science and Materials Processing courses and projects. Students will also use the applications for their capstone design projects.

“With the fourth industrial revolution underway, a partnership between industry and academia is the best way to prepare a digital enterprise workforce ready for the future of manufacturing,” says Tony Hemmelgarn, president and chief executive officer, Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.



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For More Info

For more info, visit Siemens PLM Software and Gannon University.

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