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Flow Science Releases of FLOW-3D/MP Version 4.1

Distributed memory version of CFD software is now available.

Distributed memory version of CFD software is now available.

By DE Editors

Flow Science, Inc. has announced that a new release of the distributed-memory version of its FLOW-3D computational fluid dynamics software, FLOW-3D/MP, is now available.

FLOW-3D/MP Version 4.1 offers performance improvements of up to 40x on 64 processor cores, according to the company. Version 4.1 includes a variety of subroutines in FORTRAN source form that allow users to customize FLOW-3D/MP. Users can customize boundary conditions or add their own models to meet their modeling requirements. The ability to post-process results from serial and parallel versions of FLOW-3D has been integrated into FLOW-3D/MP 4.1. The physical models and numerical methods of FLOW-3D/MP v4.1 are based on FLOW-3D v9.4.2.

Read a complete list of FLOW-3D v9.4.2 features here.

FLOW-3D/MP, first released in 2006, uses multi-block methodology to decompose the computational domain into blocks, which are then distributed among the nodes in a cluster. FLOW-3D/MP v4.1 has been tested on both Windows Server 2008 and Linux systems (RHEL 4 & 5 and SUSE 10 &11).

For more information, visit Flow Science.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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