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First Insight Joins PTC PartnerAdvantage Program

Cloud platform will be integrated with Windchill FlexPLM.

Cloud platform will be integrated with Windchill FlexPLM.

First Insight has joined the PTC PartnerAdvantage Program at the Platinum Tier. Inclusion in the partner program followed an extensive review of First Insight’s solution with PTC Windchill FlexPLM product lifecycle management software for consumer products, retail, footwear and apparel industries.

As part of this initiative, First Insight’s cloud-based platform is being integrated with PTC Windchill FlexPLM. According to the company, this integration enables retailers and brands to validate new designs at multiple stages during the product development process. Product designers can gain consumer feedback, filtered through First Insight’s predictive models, to make fact-based decisions on which designs represent the greatest opportunity.

“Our customers are focused on launching winning new products,” said Greg Petro, president and CEO of First Insight. “It was a natural fit to add the voice of the customer to the product development process to give product designers a forward view of customer receptivity and expected pricing. We are pleased that PTC views First Insight as a solution that is important to its customers, and we are delighted to be included in the PartnerAdvantage Program.”

For more information, visit First Insight.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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