Fast Workstation for Power Users

New PolyStation SLI2-FX60 said to be easy on budget.

New PolyStation SLI2-FX60 said to be easy on budget.

By DE Editors

Polywell Computers, Inc.  (South San Francisco, CA) announced on December 20 the PolyStation SLI2-FX60, a fast and powerful, single-chip workstation for price-conscious high-end users.

The SLI2-FX60 is powered by the new AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 dual-core processor with HyperTransport technology and is based on the Nvidia nForce4 SLI chipset for dual true x16 PCI-Express graphics. The short story about the AMD processor is that it’s designed to do more in less time for computation-intensive applications while providing platform stability and reliability. Nvidia’s nForce 4 SLI chipset with dual Nvidia QuadroFX 3400 graphics makes reduces the PolyStation’s cost while making it faster.


The the PolyStation SLI2-FX60 workstation.

Specifications for the PolyStation SLI2-FX60 include 2GB memory, dual 10,000-RPM 36GB SATA RAID-0 drive, a second 250GB SATA drive, dual Nvidia QuadroFX 3400 256M x16 PCI-Express OpenGL graphics cards, dual Sony 16x DVD+-RW dual-layer drive, floppy with 7-in-1 Media Card Reader, 1394a FireWire, dual gigabit Ethernet, 7.1 subwoofer speakers, Logitech cordless keyboard and mouse, and Windows XP Professional.

The PolyStation SLI2-FX60 is housed in a 10-bay mid-tower with 600W Quiet 80Plus PFC power supply.  Prices start at $3999. For further details, click here.

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