FARO TrackArm Extends CMM Portability

Measure-anywhere capability extended with new combined solution.

Measure-anywhere capability extended with new combined solution.

By DE Editors

FARO Technologies, Inc.(Lake Mary, FL) recently announced the release of the TrackArm, asingle package that combines two of the company’s top-selling portablecoordinate measuring machines (PCMMs). Faro says the machines operatetogether seamlessly due, in part, to a specially designed laser targetassembly. The FARO TrackArm unites the FARO Laser Tracker, which has arange of up to 230 feet, with the Platinum FaroArm, which has along-reach, six-degree-of-freedom probe. Both systems share the sameCAM2 Measure X software (on the same PC or separately), so all of thedata is easily accessible.

In seconds, the FARO TrackArm can switch from the Tracker to the Arm,enabling the Platinum FaroArm’s six degrees of freedom to reach thehidden points that are out of the Laser Tracker’s line of sight—evenaround corners and inside. The big benefit of TrackArm technology, saysFaro, is that the user no longer has to go through the lengthy processof establishing reference points. This is accomplished in part byhaving a dedicated laser target mounted on the Platinum FaroArm. TheCAM2 Measure X software provides a simple user interface to quickly andeasily switch back and forth between the Tracker and Arm.

Perhaps best of all, it can also be used separately as two stand-aloneportable CMMs, yet sells for $10,000 less than the cost of purchasingthe technology separately, regardless of the FaroArm’s size.

“Working together or apart, the TrackArm is a great value and willboost measurement efficiency on the shop floor,” says FARO Presidentand COO Jay Freeland. “It enables users to inspect, reverse engineer orperform CAD-to-Part-analysis with greater ease than ever before.”

The TrackArm is available as a complete system (Laser Control Station,FaroArm and TrackArm Kit), or current USB FaroArm or FARO Laser Trackerusers can order the TrackArm Upgrade to enable to the two portable CMMsto work together. For more information, visit faro.com.

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