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ETRAGE Releases Drawing Notes for Creo and Windchill

Search and manage Creo drawings stored in Windchill or other file systems.

Search and manage Creo drawings stored in Windchill or other file systems.

ETRAGE announced the availability of the Etrage Drawing Notes Search application for PTC’s Creo and Windchill.

The Drawing Notes Search application provides companies a simple method for searching for and managing Creo drawing notes that are stored in Windchill PDMLink or Windchill INTRALINK, or in a Windows file system.

The application provides an automatic method for capturing notes from Creo drawings and storing them in a database.  Once in the database, notes can be managed with a Web based interface by searching and filtering on drawing name, number or note character string. Notes can be sorted, filtered and reviewed.  Drawings can be opened for editing in Windchill from links in the application.  Note lists can be exported to Excel or CSV formats.

Additional CAD applications as well as PDF format drawings can be added to the application as requested by customers.

For more information, visit ETRAGE.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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