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ESI Updates Multiphysics and CFD Software

ACE+ Suite improves product development processes for automotive and semiconductor industries.

ACE+ Suite improves product development processes for automotive and semiconductor industries.

By DE Editors

ESI Group has released an update of its ACE+ Suite multiphysics modeling and simulation software, which combines tools in advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD), electro-magnetics (EMAG),  gas dynamics and finite elements structural analysis, all working in a seamlessly integrated manner.

According to ESI Group, the software is delivered in separate but connected modules designed for customers working on fast developing applications such as plasma and semiconductor processes, MEMS,  biotechnology, microfluidics, fuel cells and battery as well those of mainstream automotive and aerospace applications.

The new release comes with an advanced automatic meshing tool for creating polyhedral cells. The CFD-VisCART mesher can now process in parallel for Single Domain meshing, including boundary layer generation. This means the calculation time required to automatically create meshes for large models, with hundreds of millions of cells, can be drastically decreased.

Plasma-based processes such as those used in the semiconductor and photovoltaic industries will benefit from improvements related to coupling electromagnetics (EMAG) with plasma models. The software enables the modeling of Electromagnetic Wave Effects in large area,  high-frequency coupled Plasma Reactors, using a new algorithm.

CFD-VIEW, the software suites post-processor, extends support of cell-centered data visualization and supports logarithmic color maps;  greatly helping visualization of large data variations. The software also offers improved linear and pre-conditioner choices for the multiphysics solver, including additional gradient calculation options.

The solution meets Intel Cluster Ready specifications and has passed the tests of the Intel Cluster Checker, which means it can run smoothly on any Intel device.

For more information, visit ESI Group.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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