EOS Provides Laser-Sintering Technology for Specialty Manufacturers

Cincinnati company uses laser-sintering for medical, military applications.

Cincinnati company uses laser-sintering for medical, military applications.

By DE Editors

Morris Technologies Inc. (MTI) and its sister company Rapid Quality Manufacturing (RQM) operate 20 direct metal laser-sintering (DMLS)  systems from German producer EOS.

MTI was one of the first shops in the U.S. to collaborate with major aerospace and medical producers to explore laser-sintering. The company now makes everything from lightweight components for military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to cobalt-chrome hip replacement prototypes.

According to EOS, other companies are using the technology to create lattice-like systems in plastics for lighting homes and offices,  designer shoes with heels of braided titanium and cranial implants,  knees and medical instruments designed around the exact geometry of the individual human body and the surgeons hands.

Laser-sintering is an additive process that melts materials layer-by-layer at high temperatures, until the final shape is achieved.  This allows for affordable, low-volume manufacturing.

For more information, visit EOS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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