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Engineering Technology Associates Releases New Version of DYNAFORM

Die systems simulation solution allows users to parametrically build die faces for symmetrical parts.

Die systems simulation solution allows users to parametrically build die faces for symmetrical parts.

By DE Editors

Engineering Technology Associates (ETA) announced Version 5.8.1 of its DYNAFORM die system simulation solution. The FEA software solution guides the engineer through a wide range of stages in the manufacturing process,  from cost estimation and die face design to formability analysis and stamping process simulation.

DYNAFORMs new Die Face Engineering (DFE) module offers the capacity to parametrically build die faces for a symmetrical part. After the user defines the symmetry line, the program can automatically build the die faces for the other half of the symmetrical part accordingly.

A new product change replacement feature was added in 5.8.1 that allows the user to retain the current die face design and simply drop in new product design surfaces, saving time while increasing flexibility.  The new Auto Mesh option allows the user to automatically mesh the CAD model immediately after it has been imported.

For more information, visit ETA.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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