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EMT Chooses CIM DATABASE PLM to Meet Unmanned Aircraft Systems Requirements

EMT intends to use CONTACT's PLM system to manage the configuration of products and tools, to speed up its complex approval procedures and for audit-trail capable documentatio
LUNA NG is a lightweight high-performance glider made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). Image: EMT LUNA NG is a lightweight high-performance glider made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). Image courtesy of EMT.

EMT, a manufacturer of unmanned air reconnaissance and surveillance systems based in Penzberg, Germany, will used CIM DATABASE PLM from CONTACT Software to meet the high quality requirements placed on its products, processes and documentation more efficiently.

EMT is certified by the German Armed Forces Aviation Authority for the development, manufacture and maintenance of aviation equipment. The company develops unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and ground control stations for real-time aerial image analysis, flight mission planning and aircraft control. Unlike conventional drones, the aircraft manufactured by EMT have a long range and function properly under severe weather conditions and in difficult terrains like the arctic or desert. EMT must provide proof that it has implemented and validated all functional and regulatory requirements when developing its systems.

“CIM DATABASE allows us to store a complete, digital file covering the lifecycle of each of our products in a central enterprise application,” says EMT project manager Maximilian List. “This means that we will be able deal with the traceability issue much more easily in the future.”

EMT intends to use CONTACT’s PLM system to manage the configuration of products and tools, speed up its complex approval procedures, and for audit-trail capable documentation. EMT will first implement a project-specific documentation and article management facility with an approval process that is managed via parallel workflows, and concluded with the digital signature of the engineer responsible for testing. Other expansion phases will address the use of CONTACT’s XBOM Manager for management of the serial numbers and tool versions, integration of four different MCAD and ECAD systems and synchronization with the ERP system, among other things.

For more info, visit CONTACT Software.

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