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Element of Analysis - July 2006

Desktop Engineering's Elements of Analysis

Desktop Engineering's Elements of Analysis

By DE Editors

July 2006, Volume 11, Issue 11, Part Two of Two

Click here to go to the Table of Contents for Part One, DE July 2006

CompactDAQ from National Instruments.

Validate Designs in 3 Easy Steps
Physical tests can validate and calibrate simulation results, reduce costs, and produce designs.
By Rahul Kulkarni and Sugato Deb

Physics Is As Physics Does
Using the distributed memory parallel (DMP) processing capabilities in ABAQUS to solve complex problems.
By Kevin Harper and David Smith

Coolit from Daat Research Corp.

CFD Shrinks the Thermal Design Process
CFD tackles the heat generated by packed electronics in desktop devices.
By Michael Staiano

Real-Time Simulation of HEVs
Modeling the power, drivetrain, control, and mechanical systems of hybrid electric vehicles for optimal performance.
By Terry Denery

FloWizard from Fluent.

FloWizard Speeds Up Design Direction Control
Version 2.1 of Fluent’s rapid flow modeling program helps you evaluate designs—fast.
By Pamela J. Waterman

Fatigue Analysis Moves into the Mainstream
DesignLife from nCode provides heavy-duty fatigue analysis that can be packaged for non-experts to use.
By Al Dean


Jim Spann, Blue Ridge Numerics

Commentary: Truth, Lies, And Myths About Upfront CFD
By Jim Spann
Blue Ridge Numerics

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DE’s Elements of Analysis - July 2006
On the Cover:  To explore the capabilities of Fluent’s FloWizard 2.1, non-CFD expert and Contributing Editor Pamela J. Waterman used this shuttlecraft model for her evaluation. Read the review by clicking here.


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