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Editor’s Pick: Simulate Electrochemical Devices

New Batteries & Fuel Cells Module for COMSOL Multiphysics said to make analysis set-up faster

New Batteries & Fuel Cells Module for COMSOL Multiphysics said to make analysis set-up faster

By Anthony J. Lockwood

Dear Desktop Engineering Reader:


First things first, as part of my making a living as an independent writer, I do occasional work for COMSOL for which they pay me. They are not paying me for this nor are they paying DE, as far as I know. Neither of the two outfits was aware of what I was writing about today until I submitted this to DE. Still, you’ve be advised of my potential bias.

Just a few days ago, COMSOL introduced a new Batteries &  Fuel Cells Module for its COMSOL Multiphysics engineering and scientific analysis environment. This is an add-on expansion module, one that might be of interest to you if you’re charged with analyzing electrochemical batteries and fuel cells.

What the Batteries & Fuel Cells Module does is give you a toolbox for setting up, simulating, and studying batteries and fuel cells within the COMSOL modeling and simulation environment. This means that you can analyze in one location your device of interest with a variety of physical properties under coupled physics conditions: electrochemical reactions, flow,  heat transfer, and electric fields.

The Batteries & Fuel Cells Module comes with many pre-defined physics interfaces for quick set-up as well as a model library that can serves as a tutorial resource to increase your productivity with the module. This Batteries & Fuel Cells Module is said to be suitable for analyzing a variety of battery types, such as lithium-ion batteries, nickel metal-hydride batteries, solid oxide fuel cells, and proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

Where all this is of interest, of course, is for those of you integrating or developing batteries and fuel cell components for cars,  green energy, consumer electronics, and so on. And that is what intrigues me about this. The need for more research and better batteries grows every day as we wean ourselves off unreliable sources of fossil fuels.

The new Batteries & Fuel Cells Module for COMSOL Multiphysics might be the tool you need to help you make the breakthrough you’re looking for more quickly. You can make that determination for yourself by reading about it in today’s Pick of the Week write-up.

Thanks, pal.—Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood
Editor at Large, Desktop Engineering

Read today’s Pick of the Week write-up.

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Anthony J. Lockwood

Anthony J. Lockwood is Digital Engineering’s founding editor. He is now retired. Contact him via [email protected].

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