DSM Somos Introduces Near Colorless Material

WaterShed XC 11122 is a version of its ABS-like WaterShed 11120.

WaterShed XC 11122 is a version of its ABS-like WaterShed 11120.

By DE Editors

Leading stereolithography (SL) resin innovator DSM Somos (Elgin, IL) announced the introduction of WaterShed XC 11122, which is said to offer the functionality and versatility of WaterShed 11120, but resembles clear plastic. Suitable for rapid prototyping (RP), particularly “lenses or clear covers for automotive,  medical and consumer product applications,” states the release, without losing any degradation of the mechanical properties. Building on Somos’  patented clear resin technology, WaterShed XC has been formulated with the DSM Somos Oxetane Advantage — an advanced chemistry platform that produces parts with water resistance and high dimensional stability. To find a service bureau near you that is running the material, log on at DSM Somos.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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