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Dimensional Control Systems Releases new Tolerance Analysis Software

Two new 3DCS versions offer ease-of-use enhancements.

Two new 3DCS versions offer ease-of-use enhancements.

By DE Editors

Dimensional Control Systems, Inc. (DCS) has announced the release of two new versions of 3DCS software with enhancements that the company says further streamline processes for their users.

3DCS SA simplifies the CAD translation process and 3DCS CAA V5 Based, for CATIA V5 users, includes numerous enhancements.

New Version 3DCS Analyst Stand Alone (SA) tolerance analysis software has built-in translators to support all CAD systems,  according to the company. The new version includes built-in CAD translators that eliminate the need for users to purchase, license and use separate translators to integrate 3DCS with their various CAD systems.

Other enhancements to 3DCS SA include:

  • Visualization improvements to cube maps, sky boxes,  ambient occlusion, bloom, silhouette edges and spot light shadows
  • Improvements to Spec Study, such as better support for “A”  and “V” gaps without the need to apply point constraints
  • Support of worst-case analyses
  • Dozens of new routines and settings including, for example, the ability to use “Section Draw” to cancel the point dragging changes, the addition of a reorder feature button to “feature tolerance,” the addition of a “yes to all” check box to “Save Management,” and the ability to select parts separately in “Copy Data”

The translators for are provided through DCS’s OEM partnership agreement with TransMagic, a company that provides universal multi-CAD interoperability software applications.

New Version 3DCS CAA V5 Based is designed for CATIA users and is already integrated into CATIA V5, so it does not require CAD translation, according to the company. It includes many of the same enhancements as 3DCS SA, plus improvements to the FEA-compliant modeler,  GD&T and Spec Study.

For more information, visit 3DCS.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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