Digital Reality Launches Kraftwurx Portal

Designers can turn designs into 3D-printed objects for sale.

Designers can turn designs into 3D-printed objects for sale.

By DE Editors

Digital Reality, a Solidworks Research Associate, has announced the release of Digital Factory, and its Kraftwurx web portal. Kraftwurx serves as a social network, sales and e-manufacturing system for 3D printing that turns 3D artists, engineers and industrial designers into entrepreneurs. Users simply open an account and upload 3D models, and Kraftwurx turns them into 3D-printed products for sale.

Digital Factory goes further with the ability to sell assemblies of products made from a variety of materials, including kits with electronics, lights, batteries and more. Simply upload the specifications for each part and it becomes part of the Bill of Material for any product a consumer might buy.

The portal also includes a chat system that lets users chat in their own language with any other user worldwide. Alchemy lets you post ads without design experience and create teams to co-create a product into existence. The site also offers design, scanning and other services in house.

For more information, visit Kraftwurx.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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