Desktop Metal Sells its First PureSinter Furnace to AmPd Labs

AmPd Labs offers additive manufacturing services using three Desktop Metal Shop System printers, paired with two other DM furnaces, in addition to other manufacturing technologies.

AmPd Labs offers additive manufacturing services using three Desktop Metal Shop System printers, paired with two other DM furnaces, in addition to other manufacturing technologies.

Desktop Metal and AmPd Labs meet at RAPID + TCT for sale of the new PureSinter Furnace. Pictured from left are DM CEO Ric Fulop, DM Director of Strategic Accounts Derek Campbell, AmPd Labs Co-Founder and President Sean Harkins, AmPd Labs CEO Tim Neal, DM SVP of Metals and Future Markets Rick Lucas, and AmPd Labs Co-Founder and Managing Partner Brien Beach. Image courtesy of Business Wire.

Desktop Metal, Inc. reports that Houston-based AmPd Labs has placed an order for the new PureSinter Furnace, a high-purity vacuum furnace that delivers debind-and-sinter performance, according to Desktop Metal.

A Desktop Metal customer since 2021, AmPd Labs offers a range of AM services across the product lifecycle—from design and prototyping to full-scale production. In addition to Desktop Metal’s laser-free binder jetting technology, AmPd Labs also offers digital light processing, selective laser sintering, and traditional manufacturing technologies for metal and polymer part production.

“We are thrilled to add the Pure Sinter Furnace to our fleet of Desktop Metal equipment,” says Sean Harkins, chief operating officer and co-founder of AmPd Labs. “Pure Sinter is a technological game changer that will enable us to rapidly meet high-volume customer production demands.”

“AmPd Labs is one of our standout Super Fleet customers with three or more of our laser-free metal printers, and we’re delighted to see them embrace our breakthrough new furnace technology,” says Ric Fulop, founder and CEO of Desktop Metal. “PureSinter is an exemplary demonstration of the innovation for which Desktop Metal and our engineers are known. We believe this furnace will revolutionize sinter-based AM and the traditional furnace industry.”

Launched in June at RAPID + TCT, the PureSinter furnace is a new take on furnace design from the ground up to eliminate traditional furnace challenges, according to Desktop Metal. PureSinter features hot walls that prevent contamination buildup and an airtight processing environment to ensure waste exit and high levels of purity.

PureSinter is compatible with powder metal parts 3D printed with additive manufacturing, such as bound metal deposition (BMD) and binder jetting (BJT) processes, as well as traditional metal injection molding (MIM) or press and sinter (PM) manufacturing methods.

For more information about the PureSinter Furnace, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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