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Desktop Engineering, NAFEMS Present FEA Webinar

NAFEMS training manager Tony Abbey to lead discussion.

NAFEMS training manager Tony Abbey to lead discussion.

NAFEMS and Desktop Engineering will present a free webinar on Thursday, March 7 (4 pm EST), entitled “FEA for Managers and Reviewers - Ask Tony Abbey.”

FE analysis tools are now widely available and relatively inexpensive, creating an increased need for analysis resource across industry, and a growth in consultancy firms. With a shortage of engineers familiar with FEA, and increased outsourcing, fewer staff now manage effective initial task assessment and resource allocation, and carry out the analysis review.

In the March issue of Desktop Engineering , consultant, analyst and NAFEMS training manager Tony Abbey will provide managers and reviewers with a checklist of things to look for in planning, monitoring and reviewing an FE analysis.

The webinar will further expand on those topics, delving more deeply into the planning of FEA projects. For managers, Abbey will discuss the need to buy time upfront to focus on the key questions, so that the team can start work effectively. For reviewers, he will cover how to sign off on an analysis report, and the need for evidence of good basic checking, demonstration of good practices, and confidence in the analysis and its results.

Abbey will also respond to questions from webinar participants.

For more information, or to sign up for the webinar, visit NAFEMS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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