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CST Studio Suite 2018 Released

Computer Simulation Technology (CST), part of SIMULIA, a Dassault Systèmes brand, releases its flagship EM simulation software, CST STUDIO SUITE 2018.

The electromagnetic (EM) simulation software CST STUDIO SUITE from CST is used to design, analyze and optimize components and systems across the EM spectrum. The CST Complete Technology approach means that all solvers are available within a single graphical user interface, with strong links between different solvers. The 2018 release of CST STUDIO SUITE develops on previous success with a range of new features for simulating entire systems with hybrid methods.

One key strength of CST STUDIO SUITE is the ability to link multiple simulations with different solvers into a single workflow with System Assembly and Modeling (SAM). In 2018, the improved Assembly Modeler offers users a more efficient way to combine multiple components into a system employing a 3D environment optimized for complex models. This is complemented by new features for EM/circuit co-simulation and the Hybrid Solver Task providing bidirectional solver coupling between the Time Domain and Integral Equation Solvers, a step forward for hybrid simulation.

For bio-EM simulations, the voxel poser tool, previously a separate product, is now integrated directly into the CST STUDIO SUITE interface, offering users direct access to the voxel poser during the modeling process. Body models using the tetrahedral mesh can now move realistically to simulate breathing.

Filter Designer 3D, CST’s tool for designing cross-coupled filters and calculating coupling matrices, is now connected directly to the powerful optimizers in CST STUDIO SUITE. This means that the optimizers have access to the coupling matrix calculation.

CST STUDIO SUITE offers a new alternative interface for photonic and terahertz applications, with direct access to optical features. It also now allows simulations to be set up using wavelength rather than frequency. CST STUDIO SUITE 2018 introduces the ability to calculate farfields on multilayer substrates.

Behind the scenes, the core of the software is fine-tuned to optimize performance on the latest hardware, and CST STUDIO SUITE is being introduced to the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform with links to other SIMULIA tools.

“With CST STUDIO SUITE 2018, we’re integrating CST software with the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform, which connects CAD, PLM, collaboration and other leading edge simulation software, in order to provide a complete multi-domain and multiphysics solution,” says Peter Thoma, managing director, R&D, CST.

For more info, visit CST.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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