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CSC Releases Solve 2013 Analysis Software

Features automated wind loading and load combination generators.

Features automated wind loading and load combination generators.

CSC has released a new FE analysis package called Solve 2013. Developed in-house and in conjunction with Bassam Izzuddin, professor of Computational Structural Mechanics at Imperial College, the company says Solve enables engineers to analyze models quickly irrespective of their size and complexity.

Engineers can build models using a simple interface, analyze in any material and work with intelligent objects, such as beams, slabs and walls. They can also save time with automated wind loading and load combination generators, and perform a wide range of analysis types including P-Delta, non-linear and vibration.

“Solve is a major evolution in CSC’s development strategy,” said Mark Roberts, CEO at CSC. “We’re committed to delivering our clients value and the new and innovative functionality in Solve also paves the way for the exciting releases of our steel and concrete building design software, Fastrak and Orion, in early 2014.”

All users with a Solve maintenance agreement will automatically receive Solve 2013.

For more information, visit CSC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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