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CONTACT Releases Workspaces v3.9

This version is focused on requirements integration and ease-of-use.

CONTACT has released the latest version of its Workspaces software for CAD data management. Version 3.9, according to the company, is focused on requirements integration and user experience. It includes more than 50 improvements.

Some of this updates include:

  • Load-associated drawings
  • Single documents for related models and drawings
  • Filtering of server-side changes
  • Deactivation of structure nodes
  • Automatic development stage freezing
  • New CADENAS interface
“Overall, the use of Workspaces offers numerous benefits for enterprises: They can provide their developers with optimum support for managing the CAD data in a way designed to guarantee validity at all times and their activities as part of a team – and, with Version 3.9, give them an even easier-to-use tool to perform their tasks. As always, a detailed description of all the extensions and individual improvements can be found in the Release Notes on our customer portal,” the company website states.

For more information, visit CONTACT.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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