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Concepts NREC to Hold Free Turbomachinery Workshop

CAE workshop to be held during the Turbomachinery Symposium.

CAE workshop to be held during the Turbomachinery Symposium.

By DE Editors

Following on the heels of its August Agile Engineering Design System (AEDS) 2010 and TurboMatch software launches, Concepts NREC will hold a free Turbomachinery computer-aided engineering software workshop in conjunction with the 39th Annual Turbomachinery Symposium. 

Concepts NREC will be an exhibitor at the show October 5-7 in Houston.  The free Concepts NREC CAE Software Workshop, including complimentary breakfast, will be October 6, from 9 a.m. until noon at the Hilton Americas-Houston in Room 337A-B. 

“Concepts NREC is proud to host its complimentary Turbomachinery CAE Software Workshop at the 39th Turbomachinery Symposium,” says George Zitka, PE, senior sales manager, for Concepts NREC.  “We will focus on the advanced volute design, full computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and turbocharger matching capabilities of our software,  because we know from listening to our customers that this is what today’s engineers need.” 

To register for the Concepts NREC Turbomachinery CAE Software Workshop, please email [email protected].

For more information, visit Concepts NREC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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