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CIMdata to Participate in an Analyst Session at 2010 NAFEMS Virtual Conference

Session participants will discuss the growth of CAE in product development.

Session participants will discuss the growth of CAE in product development.

By DE Editors

CIMdata has announced that Ken Amann, CIMdata Executive Consultant, will be participating in an Industry Analyst Focus Session during the 2010 NAFEMS Virtual Conference. The session includes industry analysts who will be discussing the importance and growth of CAE in the product development process.

The Focus Session will be presented between 1400 and 1600 on November 15. Amann will present on the topic of “The Growing Importance of Simulation and Analysis in Product Development” and will address trends that are driving the growth of the CAE industry and industrial company investments in this technology. The CAE market is one of the fastest growing technology sectors within PLM, and is a major section of CIMdata’s annual PLM Market Analysis Report.

Sponsored by CAE suppliers including Altair, ANSYS,  CD-adapco, Dassault Systèmes, and Siemens, the 2010 NAFEMS Virtual Conference will be delivered on November 15th and 16.

For more information, visit NAFEMS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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