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CIMdata to Host Webinar on PLM, Internet of Things

The event will inform attendees how to manage Big Data in the context of product lifecycle management.

CIMdata, a product lifecycle management (PLM) consulting firm, will host an upcoming webinar titled “The Internet of Things — What Does It Mean for PLM?” The hour-long event is on May 20th at 11 a.m. EST and will cover the challenges and opportunities the Internet of Things brings to product development.

Attendees will hear several use cases in addition to a discussion on the ramifications of managing products versus information generated from the product. After the session, attendees will:

  • Understand the variety of applications for the Internet of Things;
  • Know how to prepare for its impact on managing product information asses in the context of PLM;
  • And have insight on its complexity and security.
“Big Data analytics has a lot of hype around the Internet of Things, but what is it and what is the impact on product development? What about security and privacy considerations? How do they all play together?” says Laila Hirr, practice manager and senior consultant, High Electronics, CIMdata. “Recently I’ve been digging into these questions and look forward to sharing my thoughts and observations at our upcoming webinar. Undoubtedly, the Internet of Things will have far reaching impacts for all industries and will drive new demands in PLM best practices.”

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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