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CIMdata Releases PLM Market Report

The market is projected to reach $52.3 billion by 2020.

CIMdata, a provider of PLM (product lifecycle management) consulting, has released the CIMdata PLM Market and Solution Provider Analysis Report. The report provides detailed information and in-depth analysis on the worldwide PLM market during 2015. It contains analyses of major trends and issues; revenues of leading PLM solution providers; and revenue analyses for geographical regions, industry sectors, and historical and projected data on market growth.

According to CIMdata, companies make PLM investments in many different areas and with many types of solutions including mechanical CAD, simulation and analysis, visualization and collaboration, building design, and others. This diversity is reflected in the many different solution providers to the PLM market and in the fact that no single type of provider dominates the industry. During 2015, a number of providers generated substantial revenues that represent PLM-related investments. Sixteen providers generated PLM revenues in excess of $500 million from both the tools and the cPDm segments.

“The PLM market grew to $38.7 billion overall in 2015, 2.8% growth over 2014,” according to Stan Przybylinski, vice president of Research at CIMdata. “When looked at in constant currencies, that growth rate would be 8.2% over 2014. Most of the PLM market leaders had strong growth in constant currencies, and all continued to make strategic acquisitions to expand their portfolios and, in some cases, to enter new markets. Looking toward 2020, CIMdata forecasts the PLM market to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% to $52.3 billion.”

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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