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CIMdata Announces 2012 PLM Market Analysis

PLM market grows 11.3% to $33.3 billion.

PLM market grows 11.3% to $33.3 billion.

CIMdata presented its 2012 PLM Market Analysis at the company’s 2013 North American PLM Market & Industry Forum, which was held in Ann Arbor, Mich., on April 9.

The 2012 PLM market results include CIMdata’s analysis and forecasts regarding market growth across PLM domains, industries, and regions, and the performance (revenue and market share analysis) of leading PLM solution providers.

In CIMdata’s annual “State of PLM: Today’s Market and Leading Trends” address, Peter Bilello, CIMdata’s president, stated that, “While the PLM market continued to grow last year, the third and fourth quarters proved to be sluggish for many PLM solution providers. The ‘New Normal’ in the business environment, which requires companies of all shapes, sizes and industries to do more with less, continues to drive industrial companies to pursue and implement PLM strategies.”

“The year started out looking to be just as strong in 2012 as it was in 2011, but slowed in the second half, resulting in total revenues below our forecast,” said Stan Przybylinski, vice president of research.

Recent statistics compiled by CIMdata show that the Comprehensive PLM market experienced 11.3% growth in 2012 to $33.3 billion. “Growth moderated in some segments, like mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD), while simulation and analysis (S&A) continued its rapid expansion,” Przybylinski added.

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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