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Cimatron to Introduce New Motion Simulator Powered by LEDAS LGS 3D

LGS 3D will be integrated into CimatronE's new industrial motion simulation and analysis solution.

LGS 3D will be integrated into CimatronE's new industrial motion simulation and analysis solution.

By DE Editors

Cimatron Limited, a provider of integrated CAD/CAM solutions for mold, tool and die makers as well as manufacturers of discrete parts, and LEDAS Ltd., a provider of constraint-based design tools, component technologies,  and software development services, have announced a new partnership.

Cimatron has licensed from LEDAS the geometric constraint solver LGS 3D and intends to use it within CimatronE software as a part of a new industrial motion simulation solution.

“We worked very closely with LEDAS to create a simulation product that is seamlessly integrated into CimatronE and that provides the right response for our customers,” says Roy Sterenthal, Cimatron’s vice president of Research & Development. “We appreciate LEDAS’s hard work and effort throughout the development of the product, and we are proud of the results that we have achieved.”

Cimatron and LEDAS worked together for about one year to develop the new industrial motion simulation solution based on the LEDAS geometric constraint solver LGS 3D and a collision detection module provided by Cimatron. The combined technologies will allow CimatronE users to test the efficacy of their tool design, isolating problems at an early stage to achieve shorter overall design times.

“We have created a product that simulates motion in assemblies and also includes comprehensive collision detection, to cater to the specific needs of CimatronE toolmakers,” says Alexey Ershov, Director, Research & Development, LEDAS Ltd. “Testing of the project, demonstrated on industrial scenarios provided by Cimatron, verifies the robustness of our solver for industrial CAD/CAM applications.”

The new motion simulator will be released as part of CimatronE 10.0.

For more information, visit Cimatron and LEDAS.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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